
YONKERS: Stephen Dolan, the drunk driver who hit and killed teenager Christopher Jack ‘CJ’ Hackett in Yonkers in August 2022, has been handed one and a half years to four and a half years in prison.
Stephen Dolan was sentenced at Westchester County Courthouse in White Plains.
In September, the 46-year-old Stephen Dolan had pled guilty to second-degree vehicular manslaughter, leaving the scene of a fatal accident, and driving while intoxicated.
Hackett's aunt Michelle Kern gave an impact statement at Thursday's sentencing, where she said, "Stephen Dolan, you were given a plea deal of one and a half to four and a half years, we were given a life sentence without CJ. Our holidays, birthdays, family gatherings will never be the same. There will always be a missing piece in our family."
Stephen Dolan said during the sentencing that, "There is nothing I can say that would make up for the pain I caused. To the Hackett family, I will forever live with the fact that you have to pay for the price for the choices that I've made. I am so ashamed."
Over a year ago the Yonkers Police Department had responded to the 600 block of McLean Avenue on a report of a scooter operator having been struck by a van just after midnight on August 3.
CJ Hackett, 16, was discovered with severe head injuries and transported to a hospital.
The van that had struck him fled the scene.
Over the next 36 hours, Yonkers PD detectives worked to successfully locate the van and identify Stephen Dolan, who was placed into custody without incident.
The van was impounded as evidence.
YPD investigators said at the time that they believed Stephen Dolan was consuming alcohol before the accident, because that surveillance video showed Dolan drinking at two bars, consuming at least 17 drinks before the crash.
JUDGEMENT DAY: Stephen Dolan's Sentencing For The Hit And Run Drunk Driving Crash That Claimed The Life Of A 16-Year-Old Boy In Yonkers
The victim, Christopher Jack Hackett was riding his scooter along McLean Avenue when the fatal collision occurred.
Stephen Dolan was facing a potential sentence of up to seven years in prison on charges of vehicular manslaughter, but he opted to accept a plea deal that could land him behind bars for a duration ranging from one and a half to four years.
CJ Hackett was a student at Archbishop Stepinac High Schoo
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